Finding Your Space

A beautiful article for mums, written by Amy Taylor-Kabbaz founder of Seek Act Love. Here she shares a lovely reflection about creating space during the busy-ness of motherhood.
Amy Taylor-Kabbaz

I’ve spent the most blissful two days perched on top of a bolster, thinking, breathing and re-living pregnancy and childbirth… and oh what I ride it has been!

I’ve been in tears, I’ve felt empowered, and I’ve never felt more in awe of the female body, mind and spirit. We are such amazing creatures! The emotional, physical and spiritual change we grow through from pregnancy to childbirth to motherhood is so awe-inspiring. We truly are stronger than we realise, and if only we could connect with that power more often – go back to that source of widsom and strength within us – than I know the challenges we face on a day to day basis in motherhood would be so much easier to handle.

I have learnt so much these past days in my pregnancy and post-natal yoga teacher training class at Jivamukti Sydney (which I will be sharing so much of here – and it has to do with SO much more than pregnancy), but the biggest lesson I have walked away with is… space.

We, as women and mothers, need a space where we feel loved, nurtured, safe, supported. We need to be able to step away from it all and just be. Whether it be in yoga, our garden or in bed before we drop from exhaustion at the end of the day, we all need our own space. And it is only within this space that we can truly stop, breathe, listen to our inner voices or spirits or whatever you believe in. Even have a little cry. Or a little scream.

As we learnt in our course, ultimately we have all the wisdom we ever need within us. We just need the space to tap into it.

In my own life, I don’t really have that space. Not within my home, and at easy reach.

I have a yoga studio which I love, and the minute my feet touch those wooden floorboards, I feel myself disconnect from the outside world. It is a space in which I feel safe, secure, nurtured, and loved (be me, and by the universe as a whole).

But as a working Mum with two little girls, and a website and almost-done book on the side, I don’t get that space anywhere else. To be totally honest, I don’t allow myself the time to have a space in which I can just be. I’m too freaking busy doing everything else! But why? Seriously, why? What is the rush!! I had such an amazing epiphany this weekend that without allowing myself the space to be, I am just rushing through life ignoring my own wisdom, strength, and – as Kung Fu Panda would say – awesomeness!

And, just as equally important, I am missing my girls growing up.

By reaching for that phone to send one more text or email, instead of playing Tea Parties with them, I am not connecting with them, or myself. Children, as I was reminded over the weekend, are wonderful at forcing you to be in the moment. Nothing else but the here and now. But if I’m filling up my day and life with all the other ‘stuff’, I’m missing that.

So this week, my promise to myself is to find someway to bring the practice of space into my everyday life. Not just at yoga, but at home. Everywhere. How can I establish a routine that allows me to just feel nourished, safe, and supported… and let whatever needs to come out, come out. Is it in my journal? Is it in meditation? Is it in music and dancing around the kitchen when no-one is looking?

I don’t know. But this week, my Sunday Promise is to start experimenting to get some space into my space.

I hope you all have an amazing week, and find a moment or two to also find a space for yourself to just be.


Amy Taylor-Kabbaz is a Mum to two little girls, a journalist, writer and blogger, and creator of 'Seek, Act, Love' - a website for Mums to inspire and inform them in staying sane, happy and healthy in the early years of motherhood. 

She is passionate about woman staying connected to their true selves while raising their little ones - seeking out who they are now they are a Mum, act everyday to nourish and nurture themselves, and love the life they live. She also writes for Wellbeing magazine ( and Make The World Move ( and is about to release her first e-book - a Spiritual Survival Guide for Mums. 



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